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o - Overboard

I'm your overboard boardlist. You can put here anything and I reside in templates/boardlist.html
check pinned post on /squirrel/


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The shemmy has been deleted and now redirects to TRR


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No it doesn't nigga


well it DID, SLS


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Bros we might be saved if we vote this as a nu board


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VOTE /nu/


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Nigga I’m surfing to page 40




up nut






no your not


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If you don't know already, Codefag (who is the dev and maker of this website) is leaving the soysphere and taking down this domain down aswell. However he has decided to keep this website for us to decide it's fate. (thank you codeGOD). I'll cut things short. Would you like to:
-take down this website
-keep it up under a new domain
-change topic and turn it into something new
Or you could also buy it I guess. My contact is on >>>/contact/.
Voting ends september 20th
4 posts and 1 image reply omitted. Click reply to view.


Since the overparty is shutting down we could probably replace it with a different purpose.
It could still have a static page with a list of soysphere image boards and maybe have a rating field for each one. But also 1-3 boards for Meta soysphere discussion but without the bias of a single site's community


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Codefag lost xir nuts. The raids were gemmy, bye guys


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nigga i have crippling depression


Stupid site


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Why so dead?


go back to ribbitnigger.angeleno


Very stupid site


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any suggestions?
1 post omitted. Click reply to view.


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this is the most autistic thing ive ever made




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WIP. if it turns out good I'll post it


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shes so attractive….


Omg so cool


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do i bother adding a background?


gem unfortunately vadim won the election its not over doe I'm mod now


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Squoot, are you gonna manage the Shemmy if Codefag wins? Also I'm kinda out of the loop who is the 2nd replacement?


Yes I will be admin along with codefag. I don’t know any second replacements if you’re talking about port he opted out


2nd replacement as in the 2 new managers.


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Question to SQUOOT, what version / what repo did you use for the nutty? I've set up vichan, but it lacks a couple of features that your website has, like pasting images and a bunch of other shit. I would be infinitely grateful if you would share that info.


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Hello, this board uses vichan 5.1.4 (idk if that helps) our gemerald dev codefag added the features you are talking about and actually helped make pretty much the whole website, I just own it and manage it. You can contact codefag at soyjacc@proton.me I am sure he wouldn't mind helping you with that stuff as he is really good at webdev and just a great guy in general.


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The shemmy is running an election. The ballot will be shown tommorow and i need (You) to vote me as admin of the shemmy.
>Erm why should I care nigga
Squirrelaryans will take control over the shemmy AND as a bonus I will be staffing everyone who records themselves voting for me.




keeping the thread on /soy/ bumperino'd. Check your PMs sister!




I wanna make a discord joke but im scared someone will take it seriously. meant janny PMs


got it


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Hello squirrelGODS, I was in a coma for the past week, can someone tell me what the fuck happened to /ta/? I heard some faggot got doxxed or something, what did I miss?


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A whole lot. But we basically stole a bunch of GETS like 12 or so. And then some furfag had his steam or youtube account name on a screenshot or something and xe got doxxed. Then Thanos himself came to the board and said that if we make gemmy OC within 24 hours the board stays and doesnt get evaporated and of course furryfails lost their board. After that we started other raids like the zoophile 8chan board raid that we did in collaboration with furries and then some other minor raids and here we are now.


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if squoot is alright with it, I will be hosting another raid tomorrow. recommend what we will raid and who we will be raiding with (eg: that furry thread from last time)
>That file already exists!


>-1 PPH
catty wipe sturdychan maybe? i dont wanna raid 8chan twice in a row


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Raid preg chan


What the hell is that


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NutBooru has been created! Gem it up with all your squirrels.
soybooru CUCKS:
>fill out ze captcha
>watch ze ads
>extremely slow loading
>no decent theme
nutbooru GODS:
>no captcha
>very fast
>specialized only for nutty gems
>looks identical to the main site
i'm thinking squirrelGODS won again
5 posts and 1 image reply omitted. Click reply to view.


just hire a few people as file approvers, maybe the people who applied for janny


Why squirrels?


Im crying cause of this site




Oh no

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