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/squirrel/ - Nutty Meta

nigga, this site's nuts!
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check pinned post on /squirrel/

File: 1726620023665-0.png (90.85 KB, 1531x357, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1726620023665-1.png (121.83 KB, 600x1463, pinecone.png)


If you don't know already, Codefag (who is the dev and maker of this website) is leaving the soysphere and taking down this domain down aswell. However he has decided to keep this website for us to decide it's fate. (thank you codeGOD). I'll cut things short. Would you like to:
-take down this website
-keep it up under a new domain
-change topic and turn it into something new
Or you could also buy it I guess. My contact is on >>>/contact/.
Voting ends september 20th


changing the topic seems like the best idea.


just port the site to something like serv.00 or aeonfree to save it


angeleno already saved it do you guys want the file


File: 1726692855215.png (221 KB, 776x836, ClipboardImage.png)

what the actual nut guys… mr squoot… I dont feel so good… Godspeed, codeGOD.


Since the overparty is shutting down we could probably replace it with a different purpose.
It could still have a static page with a list of soysphere image boards and maybe have a rating field for each one. But also 1-3 boards for Meta soysphere discussion but without the bias of a single site's community

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