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/nuts/ - Nuts

Questions and Answers
Password (For file deletion.)

The soyja.cc domain will soon migrate to soyjaks.site. New link will be squirrel.soyjaks.site.

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nigga i have crippling depression


Stupid site

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Question to SQUOOT, what version / what repo did you use for the nutty? I've set up vichan, but it lacks a couple of features that your website has, like pasting images and a bunch of other shit. I would be infinitely grateful if you would share that info.


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Hello, this board uses vichan 5.1.4 (idk if that helps) our gemerald dev codefag added the features you are talking about and actually helped make pretty much the whole website, I just own it and manage it. You can contact codefag at soyjacc@proton.me I am sure he wouldn't mind helping you with that stuff as he is really good at webdev and just a great guy in general.

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>snorts your nuts
>anyways tip me

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a /ta/ furfag recently just got doxxed by a squirrelposter
what is your guys' opinion on this?


fuck tha squirrel spamming faggot


marge what did he do again


read through the thread, he apparently spent money on porn games too geg


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Absolute geggerald and keep doxxing pornfags

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8Chan raid
when the competition in /ta/ ends we will be raiding the /zoo/ board on 8Chan
While there is no specific thing i want you to spam to wipe the catty I may want you to post links to this site (its up to Squoot)
I have invited the furries of /ta/ to participate in this thread and they will not be banned from this site as long as they dont shit it up.
8chan: https://8chan.moe/
TOR mirror (to ban evade): http://alephchvkipd2houttjirmgivro5pxullvcgm4c47ptm7mhubbja6kad.onion/




post it on >>>/squirrel/ doe


/squirrel/ is the meta board, this is our /soy/

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What a dead nigger of a site


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>What a dead nigger of a site


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>offsite posts in the meta board
>meta posts in the offsite board
what the fuck

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8 posts omitted. Click reply to view.


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Gold and black


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to continue the trend of owners being depicted as gapes


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gemerald, added a white spot on his mane (idk if thats the right word) because i thought it fit xim


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alt vers:

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