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/art/ - Artful nuts

Art submissions for the website.
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The nutbooru will be moved to booru.thatsnuts.online once I can finally reach codefag.


 No.2[Watch Thread][Reply]

Submit your banners and images for the website here. They will be added periodically once soyjac (dev) adds them. I won't add it if it's brimstone, nigga.
-They MUST be related to squirrels and general jakking culture
-You must ONLY submit suggestions ITT (duh)
-Must be nutty.
9 posts and 9 image replies omitted. Click to expand.


Dude dropped the gemmiest banners conceivable and never came back

File (hide): 1736821885111.png (166.05 KB, 715x477, ClipboardImage.png)


 No.25[Watch Thread][Reply]

O algo


File (hide): 1736823469797.png (58.26 KB, 888x1200, ClipboardImage.png)

>O algo

File (hide): 1736628974559.png (327.05 KB, 827x417, ClipboardImage.png)


 No.19[Watch Thread][Reply]>>24

What do you think?


>>19 (OP)

File (hide): 1736657391981.png (667.83 KB, 1106x906, ClipboardImage.png)


 No.23[Watch Thread][Reply]


File (hide): 1736654452575.png (276.86 KB, 719x774, ClipboardImage.png)


 No.22[Watch Thread][Reply]

braptoko is fattt

File (hide): 1736646233904.png (819.69 KB, 1072x1049, ClipboardImage.png)


 No.21[Watch Thread][Reply]

i think what you really are afraid of is me

File (hide): 1736639002801.png (835.44 KB, 963x1184, ClipboardImage.png)


 No.20[Watch Thread][Reply]

o algo

File (hide): 1725219332523-0.png (27.08 KB, 823x773, squirrel chud gray.png)

File (hide): 1725219332523-1.png (32.96 KB, 823x773, squirrel chud.png)


 No.11[Watch Thread][Reply]

which one do you guys like better?


squirrel chud


red, grays can DIE


File (hide): 1725220599901.png (34.5 KB, 823x773, squirrel chud new.png)

didnt even think about that GEG
also i realised i forgot the white chest was missing

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