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/squirrel/ - Nutty Meta

nigga, this site's nuts!
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The soyja.cc domain will soon migrate to soyjaks.site. New link will be squirrel.soyjaks.site.

File: 1725059555364.png (235.8 KB, 1500x500, nigga youre nutssquirrel.png)


make this a banner nigga


idk if you made this but it looks really gemmy
could you maybe just make the link bigger and on the bottom so it's more visible doe


squoot can you make a black outline for ==BIG REDTEXT==

you almost cant see it in default layout




File: 1725117609286.png (117.36 KB, 598x261, ClipboardImage.png)

yep, issa gem


File: 1725122254232.png (18.04 KB, 427x98, ClipboardImage.png)

You mean the board's title?


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