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/squirrel/ - Nutty Meta

nigga, this site's nuts!
(For file deletion.)

check pinned post on /squirrel/

File: 1725392386221.png (191.64 KB, 1111x815, ClipboardImage.png)


geeeeeeeg furxissies

File: 1725336374751.png (61.34 KB, 598x800, serious nigga.png)


>15 hours left until /ta/ gets deleted
if I could get the opportunity again I would have fucked around in the CyTube less, sorry niggas. Hopefully we got the word out about the site enough


File: 1725336673320.png (50.18 KB, 598x800, front facing swede.png)

hatless vers

File: 1725159425049.png (286.03 KB, 1190x799, gems only.png)


Official Cytube: https://cytu.be/r/gems_only
1- No pedophillic or otherwise illegal content.
2- No gore or overly violent media.
3- spamming videos or messages will get you banned
4- SMVs or music videos only if you want to submit a song (no soundtrack only videos)
5- IAS content is preferred
6- Have a good time, nigga!

Feel free to submit emotes in this thread and they might be added.
10 posts and 10 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


File: 1725251720817.png (242.9 KB, 452x640, ClipboardImage.png)

>what you lookin at, gray ass nigga?


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Nobody in the CyTube today? damn nigga….

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/ta/ 4000 GET soon get it squirrelbros

File: 1725280946875.png (98.83 KB, 1284x1198, E09B082A-9571-4CEB-99D7-48….png)


Is Australia a shitskin country for being the only one without squirrels?



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Squirrelspeak guide

Gemerald: Acorn
Gem: Nut
Iron: Pinecone
Coal: Gray/Grey
Brimstone: Fruit
TSMT: Muchnuts
Geg: Squeg

Let me know if you have more ideas
2 posts and 1 image reply omitted. Click reply to view.


muchnuts nigga


aryan: cinnamon


acorn language


OMGSISA = OMNSIN (Oh my nigga, she is nuts!)



File: 1725242158035.jpeg (477.33 KB, 1011x1238, 3B61255A-A46E-4FB2-9410-3….jpeg)


Did you know squirreljak is canonically Ukrainian as his source image was taken in Ukraine?


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File: 1725243211031.png (144.14 KB, 540x360, 6C9F4692-22A7-4C8C-A08F-3C….png)

ukrainian gem


what does it say




File: 1725275135712.png (204.65 KB, 1000x1506, calm_squirrel.png)

as a hohol, holy win

File: 1725256394647.png (561 KB, 824x1320, ClipboardImage.png)


File: 1725250295605.png (34.5 KB, 823x773, squirrel chud new.png)


Nigga this capcode is nuts!

File: 1725247995304.png (1.65 MB, 879x879, ClipboardImage.png)



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