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/squirrel/ - Nutty Meta

nigga, this site's nuts!
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check pinned post on /squirrel/

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Hello squirrelGODS, I was in a coma for the past week, can someone tell me what the fuck happened to /ta/? I heard some faggot got doxxed or something, what did I miss?


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A whole lot. But we basically stole a bunch of GETS like 12 or so. And then some furfag had his steam or youtube account name on a screenshot or something and xe got doxxed. Then Thanos himself came to the board and said that if we make gemmy OC within 24 hours the board stays and doesnt get evaporated and of course furryfails lost their board. After that we started other raids like the zoophile 8chan board raid that we did in collaboration with furries and then some other minor raids and here we are now.

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if squoot is alright with it, I will be hosting another raid tomorrow. recommend what we will raid and who we will be raiding with (eg: that furry thread from last time)
>That file already exists!


>-1 PPH
catty wipe sturdychan maybe? i dont wanna raid 8chan twice in a row


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Raid preg chan


What the hell is that

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NutBooru has been created! Gem it up with all your squirrels.
soybooru CUCKS:
>fill out ze captcha
>watch ze ads
>extremely slow loading
>no decent theme
nutbooru GODS:
>no captcha
>very fast
>specialized only for nutty gems
>looks identical to the main site
i'm thinking squirrelGODS won again
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just hire a few people as file approvers, maybe the people who applied for janny


Why squirrels?


Im crying cause of this site




Oh no

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Nigga this game will destroy the Greyim!

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i love dat nuttiest nigga named squoot


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Thanks nigga I appreciate it




Make a squirrelbooru


Make a squirrelbooru


Nutty idea I’ll get to that also nice get

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what is an image of squoot doing on the calmparty's janny board? squoot explain


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I'm a janny and this is the only post that I made. I guess codefag just used my woahjack in the janny board and someone thought it was me self inserting


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now that /ta/ is gone we need to move on to our real enemy. 8chan.moe


pretty big of a target albeit


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our first raid was a huge success, what ideas do you guys have next? squoot mentioned raiding Bluesky. Literally every splinter is raiding .cc doe so it might be a bit useless.


>no replies
how about being the last people to raid the jarty?


thats way too nuts

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8Chan raid
when the competition in /ta/ ends we will be raiding the /zoo/ board on 8Chan
Spam anything you can (don't post squirrels as they will get off to that shit) and remind them that they are zoophile niggers that will die alone.
Nuterald has invited the furries of /ta/ to participate in this thread and they will not be banned from this site as long as they dont shit it up.
8chan: https://8chan.moe/
TOR mirror (to ban evade): http://alephchvkipd2houttjirmgivro5pxullvcgm4c47ptm7mhubbja6kad.onion/
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Advertised our splinter to zoophiles award


I did that more as a way to advertise to the sharty since i couldnt post our link there. worst case scenario nudev disables TOR access


is the raid done o algo? Also why did /soy/ get locked


yes, the raid is over. I was very public on the sharty about being from here and jannys seemed to have no problem with it. /soy/ got locked to combat jarty immigrants from coming


Oh ok. Great job btw you guys really gemmed it up

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it was 3 times GEG. i'm just a high ranked janny doe. not the owner. once squoot gets back from wherever he went to he will respond
<i was also told not to respond to emails


Hello not home rn I get back in like half an hour I saw you guys started up the 8chan raid on /soy/ what’s happening so far


we won


try an make an appearance in the furry thread in /g/ ASAP.


nvm they are talking about foot fetish porn now, dont get screencapped there

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